The address for Goodhart Hall for GPS is 150 North Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.
Goodhart Hall is at the curve where Merion and Yarrow meet and has a circular brick driveway at the front of the building.
The entrance to McPherson Auditorium is in the front of the building on the red brick driveway. There is an accessible entrance to the right of the main entrance, please feel free to ask an usher to assist you.
There are no parking lots adjacent to Goodhart Hall. Parking lots are located at the College's Gateway Building at 801 Yarrow Street (Morris and Yarrow), outside the Wyndham Alumnae House at 218 N. Merion Ave, and at the Campus Center at 816 New Gulph Road. Several streets near Goodhart offer street parking.